Expectations vs. Reality: Staying Connected in the Disconnection
We all build our lives around a variety of expectations. Societal pressures, cultural norms, and even family values shape who we think we ought to be and the life we ought to have. We say to ourselves (consciously or unconsciously), “I should be in a relationship by now,” or “I should be able to do…
Read MoreSteps to Practicing Mindfulness
Do you have worry thoughts that create anxiety? Do your emotions get in the way of communicating or effective decision making? Do you live in the past or the future? Do you act impulsively? Is it difficult for you to focus on tasks because your mind wanders? If the answer is yes to any of…
Read MoreBeating the Post-Summer Slump: 9 Ways to Stay Connected
Many of us take time off of work during the summer to get away, disconnect from work, and spend time with the ones we love. We often feel more in touch with ourselves and our relationships when we take this time to be together. Once the long summer days fade away, however, it can feel…
Read MoreBenefits of Family Therapy
In a society that promotes individuality, it is sometimes forgotten we are part of something larger than ourselves. We are part of a family. Each family is unique with it’s own structure and interactions. Families are powerful. They influence our beliefs, behaviors and even our personality. Family therapy looks at the whole, not just the…
Read MoreGround Rules for Couples in the Digital Age
How often are you checking your email, text messages, Twitter or Facebook account on your phone throughout the day? Do you feel disconnected if your phone is not by your side, chirping with every new update? While there is the increased convenience and connectivity our cell phones and computers can bring us, it can also…
Read MoreThe Good Fight: 10 Tips for Healthy Couple Conflict
It might be surprising to know that research suggests that it is not how much you fight that predicts happiness and success in your relationship, but rather it is how you fight that really matters. Indeed, not all fights are created equal. There is conflict that can generate disconnection and destroy good will between you…
Read More7 Ways to Handle Your Triggers
When you and your partner argue, it can sometimes feel like you have no choice but to react. When she gets defensive, so do you. And you just can’t stand it when he walks away from you, so you yell a little louder in order to make sure he is really listening. Indeed, our partners…
Read More7 Signs of Depression in Men
Although depression is a problem for many people, it has typically been understood as an issue that occurs more often in women. Indeed, statistics have indicated that, over the course of their lifetimes, women are about 70% more likely than men to have an episode of major depression. But what if we reconsidered how we…
Read More13 Relationship Strategies That Do NOT Work
Do you and your partner know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to managing your conflict? You both may attempt to solve your problems or resolve conflict in a variety of ways, although sometimes it can seem that the things you try end up failing, even if they feel like a good idea…
Read More6 Ways Holding Back Can Hurt Your Relationship
It is not always easy to communicate well with your partner, and it is more complicated than simply an exchange of words. Communicating with your partner is about relating to him or her; it is about two people openly sharing who they are with one another in ways that are not critical or judgmental. It…
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