4 tips for dealing with perpetual problems

Symmetry Sep08

Do you ever feel like you and your partner have the same argument over and over again? You have maybe even said something like, “I’m so sick of arguing about this!” during one of these conflicts. Of course, you are not alone. All relationships have their problems, and some are more difficult to resolve than…

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Do your possessions own you? Hoarding explored

blog 140827 02

The lonely elderly woman whose house is overrun with cats; the eccentric gentleman who can’t throw anything away, including his mountain-like stack of newspapers; the shopaholic mom who has three or more of everything and still keeps on spending despite rising debts; hoarding conjures up stereotypical images which paint a picture of isolated individuals leading…

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Feeling anxious? You are not alone

Symmetry Aug15 A PH

While there is still some stigma about struggling with mental health issues, the statistics speak for themselves and the resounding reality is that when it comes to anxiety disorders, you are not alone. Around 40 million adults across the US are affected, which is about 18% of the population – nearly one in five of…

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10 reasons why your partner should be your friend too

Symmetry Aug14

You have probably watched a movie where the main romantic protagonists declare that they could “never be just friends: because their romantic feelings are simply too strong. However, what is rarely touched on in the cinematic world of ‘happily ever after’ is that while lovers may not want to be friends, friendship is a vital…

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Two ears and one mouth: The art of active listening

Symmetry Aug08 A PH

While it is good to talk in a relationship, communication is a two way stream – when you are not expressing what you think and feel then you need to be listening. However, in relationships it is easy to feel that your words are falling on plugged ears or that you have to shout to…

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Love vs. infatuation: 10 telltale signs

Symmetry Aug07 A PH

Musical ballads, romcom films, epic poetry and glossy magazines; the whole world seems to be talking about love. Whether it is falling head over heels or out of love, pining for an absent or unrequited love, declaring your affection or breaking up, we have fallen in love with love. It is no surprise then that…

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5 ways to keep your friendships alive

Symmetry Aug01 A

As adults, it can be hard to know who and what to spend your time on and where you should focus your attention. We often have a variety of people and responsibilities in our life, each pulling us in a different direction. For many, that can mean that friendships fall away as we focus on…

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Why positive feedback speaks volumes

Symmetry July18 B PH

When communication breaks down between a couple, the relationship can become incredibly painful, confusing and even destructive. The key to communicating effectively is to be able to verbalize how you feel and what you think. The challenge is to do so without loading conversations with complaints, criticisms, accusations or put-downs. Communicating for relationship success When…

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Setting healthy boundaries in your family

Symmetry July18 C PH

When you are a child there is a natural order of things; adults set the rules while brothers and sisters vie for their place, creating a familial hierarchy and chain of command. But what happens when you grow up and become part of a couple? You now have a blend of different family members in…

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