10 Ways to Be a Better Partner

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Whether your relationship is on the rocks or smooth sailing, every relationship can benefit from some improvement and introspection. You may be inexperienced in the ways of relationships, in a long-term relationship that has lost its spark, or looking for ways to spice up or renew your commitment. Humans innately crave connection, and being a…

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Rebooting Your New Years Resolutions

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Ringing in the new year feels like a fresh start, and many people view it as an opportunity to set goals for themselves for the upcoming year. Common new years resolutions are exercising more, eating healthier, learning a new skill, and managing money better. Especially after the relaxation of the holidays, you may have felt…

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Overcoming Jealousy in Your Relationship


There is a certain amount of jealousy in every relationship, even open or polyamorous ones. It is a normal instinct to want to preserve your relationship by making sure your mate isn’t interested in anyone else as much as they are in you. However, there is a point when the line is crossed from healthy…

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3 Ways to Extend Therapy into Your Daily Life

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Therapy is a place where you examine yourself and your beliefs, experiences, feelings, and actions. Your therapist assists you in slowing down and being aware of your thoughts and feelings in order to guide you to more preferred ways of being in the world and in relationship with others. Once you leave the therapy room,…

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Women and Alcohol: Fostering Awareness Throughout a Lifetime

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Recent research adds alcohol to the list of gender disparities by highlighting the magnified concerns for women and their relationship with alcohol. At the most basic level, women do not process alcohol the same way men do. Women have less water pound for pound to dilute alcohol in their bodies, and on average, women are…

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Tips for a More Peaceful Life: Mindfulness Made Easy

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Many people seem to be interested in mindfulness these days- there are so many self-help books touting it, yoga classes incorporating it, and people talking about its benefits. I admit that I was once a skeptic of mindfulness. Every time it was mentioned, I rolled my eyes and thought to myself, “what a waste of…

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Challenging Perfectionism


On the surface, being a perfectionist seems like a good thing. It sounds like something one would say in a job interview when they ask about “weaknesses” but you know you should still showcase your strengths. However, perfectionism can be a real burden and negatively affect your life if you let it go too far.…

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How to Help Your Kids Deal with Your Divorce

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Divorce is not only hard on you as the one getting separated- it can arguably be even more difficult for your kids. Studies show that children of divorce suffer side effects, even later in life. Kids with divorced parents have higher rates of depression and anxiety, drug an alcohol use, promiscuity, conduct problems, lowered academic…

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3 Relationship Resolutions You Can (and Should!) Keep

The new year provides the perfect opportunity to evaluate the health and well-being of not only yourself, but also your important relationships. How have you felt that your relationships have been this year? Are there areas for improvement? If you are in an intimate relationship, have you been a good partner? Have you helped to…

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How to Have a “Good” Divorce


No one wants to get a divorce, and it is an event no one expects to happen to him or her. Unfortunately, people change, things happen, and the decision to divorce must be made in some cases. However, divorce does not always have to be a horrible, drawn-out, hostile and expensive ordeal. Don’t get me…

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