How Can I Grieve After a Breakup?

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  The end of a romantic relationship can be devastating due to all the losses that you are forced to experience all at once. You have lost the relationship, future plans/aspirations, financial/physical/emotional support, and perhaps, even aspects of your own identity. These losses need to be grieved so that you…

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How Can I Calm Myself Down? Physical Self-Calming Methods

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  When you experience intense anxiety, anger, sadness, or excitement, you might need to calm yourself.  But do you know how? Are you aware of the self-calming methods that might work best for you? Self-calming methods are often considered coping skills and are ways of exercising self-care, yet   different…

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How Can I Calm Myself Down? Cognitive Self-Calming Methods

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  When you experience intense anxiety, anger, or sadness, you might need to calm yourself. Do you know how? It’s important that you find self-calming methods that work best for you. There are physical and cognitive methods for self-calming, and they often overlap (for an account of common methods of…

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Signs of Emotional Neglect in Your Relationship

M11381 Symmetry Counseling Signs of Emotional Neglect in Your Relationship

Hannah Hopper, LCPC​ Emotional neglect is typically something we think about in association with childhood, but it can also take place in a committed relationship. It’s the absence of enough emotional awareness and response and can be a painful experience at any point in life. Because emotional neglect is invisible, a couple may be experiencing…

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RAIN: How Can I Utilize Mindfulness During Difficult Times?

M11381 Symmetry Counseling RAIN How Can I Utilize Mindfulness During Difficult Times

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC Anxious? Depressed? Worried? Stressed? It happens to the best of us, at least every now and then with all of the many curve balls and unexpected things that life throws at us. Mindfulness exercises allow us to stop what we are doing, take a breath, observe thoughts, feelings, and…

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The Benefits of Making Space for Anger

M11381 Symmetry Counseling A Case for Making Space for Anger

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC I recently found myself instructing a patient who had expressed feelings of anger to utilize relaxation techniques in an effort to mitigate the emotion. The patient responded by telling me that relaxation, including meditation and deep breathing, had proved useless; they still felt angry, overwhelmed, and worked up. This got me…

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What is Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

M11381 Symmetry Counseling What is Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC  What is Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria and How Does it Relate to ADHD? Rejection and RSD Rejection can make us feel unappreciated or unwelcome. These are natural responses to someone pushing us away or feeling as though we are not valued. While rejection is typically not pleasant for anyone, it can trigger…

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Can You Develop Emotional Intelligence?

M11381 Symmetry Counseling Can You Develop Emotional Intelligence

Steven Losardo, LMFT When we find ourselves in the hard places where burnout and stress threaten our whole lives, we need to invest what little we have left into our emotional intelligence (Nasser & Sawicki, 2009; Harvard Health Publishing, 2022). This is one of the only ways to assure our well-being in the future. Being…

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What Will Your Resentment Cost You?

M11381 Symmetry Counseling What Will Your Resentment Cost You

Steven Losardo, LMFT How Do We Define Resentment? One way to think of resentment is when we “feel again (or re-send) the pain or hurt caused by others” (Tylim, 2005). When we are still suffering, resentment refers us to the past, and we project thoughts of an undefined fantasy of revenge into the future (Tylim,…

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Is It Love or Infatuation?

M11381 Symmetry Counseling Is It Love or Infatuation

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC Whether through movies, television, social media, or any other forms of pop culture, we’ve been given the idea of “love at first sight” and “when you know, you know.” These ideas sound super romantic, but in reality, these two concepts blend love and infatuation, which are two very different feelings. So,…

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