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Change is a part of life that will always remain constant and unavoidable. Odds are that most people have experienced a significant change in their lives, whether it is positive (beginning a new job) or negative (loss of a job or loved one). While many people can transition gracefully, others may feel like their world has been turned upside down. It is during these times that they may go through stages of emotional discomfort, mourning, or fear, leaving them feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and even depressed. Engaging in therapy to learn healthy coping mechanisms for life transitions can be extremely beneficial for anyone’s mental health and overall well-being. Our therapists here at Symmetry Counseling are here to help you.

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Examples of Life Transitions:

Life transitions can be difficult to navigate, regardless of the type of transition. They can be positive, negative, planned, or unexpected, but they all have the potential to affect a person’s mental health. People experience life transitions differently, and what may seem like a big transition to one person may not feel that way to another. Examples of common life transitions include: starting or leaving a job, starting a family, entering or leaving a relationship, getting married, having a child, moving to a new home, retirement, death of a loved one, or graduating from school. No matter the type of transition, it is important to take the time to adjust and process the emotions associated with the change. Below are a few examples of transitions that Symmetry Counseling can help with:

  • Job changes
  • Health problems
  • Disabling accidents/tragedy
  • Marriage
  • Birth
  • Divorce/Breakups
  • Death
  • Moving
  • Travel
  • Social/ Political changes


Transitioning Smoothly With Counseling

The goal of life transition counseling is to help individuals cope with emotionally challenging life changes in a healthy and positive way. Therapists often use a variety of techniques and strategies to help individuals prepare for future transitions. These techniques can help minimize the shock and fear associated with the transition, while also providing a sense of hope for the future. Examples of strategies used in life transition counseling include: teaching relaxation techniques, helping individuals identify and process their emotions, providing guidance in setting realistic goals and expectations, helping individuals develop a sense of identity and purpose, and creating a plan of action to help manage the transition. Ultimately, life transition counseling can be an effective tool to help individuals successfully adjust to life changes and find meaningful purpose in their lives.

  • Accept change is a part of life
  • Remain positive — Change doesn’t have to be bad
  • Identify and express feelings
  • Reframe thoughts
  • Stress management
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Maintain a healthy routine
  • Engage in social interaction and support
  • Appreciate the benefits of change
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Adjusting to life's transitions can be difficult, and sometimes it's hard to cope on our own. If you're in need of some help and guidance, consider seeking the assistance of a professional therapist. Life transitions counseling can provide you with the tools and support to help you navigate the changes you're going through. To learn more about life transitions counseling and how it can help you reach out to Symmetry Counseling today.

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