The weight of impulse control can be crushing. Imagine the strain of battling against compulsions that seem to take over your thoughts and actions. The momentary satisfaction is overshadowed by the havoc they wreak on your relationships, well-being, and prospects.
At Symmetry Counseling, we recognize the diverse ways impulse control can manifest:
Intermittent Explosive Disorder: Defined as having several episodes of impulsive behavior that result in damage to either persons or property, where the degree of aggressiveness is disproportionate to the circumstances or provocation.
Kleptomania: The inability to resist stealing things, generally but not always smaller items of lesser value. Often, the person can pay for or afford the item and may discard the item after they’ve stolen it.
Problem Gambling: Affects as many as 3% of US adults, and can lead to personal and financial ruin. Individuals who struggle with impulse control might find themselves drawn to the emotional roller coaster gambling can provide.
Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors: Impulse control problems can develop in the way one treats their body; common manifestations include pulling out or chewing on one’s hair, nail biting, skin picking, and others.
Substance Abuse: People who struggle with impulse control are also at high risk for developing substance dependence. (Please see ADDICTIONS for more information.)