How We Help With Mental Health

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Your Relationship Specialists

Well trained in proven therapeutic techniques, the therapists at Symmetry Counseling adopt a direct, engaged, and active approach. Navigating life’s challenges often entails acquiring new skills. These can be learned and implemented during the course of therapy. Our therapists provide a supportive, empathetic, and hopeful environment.
Sessions revolve around pragmatic approaches to strategically address and resolve issues clients bring to therapy. We help you identify problems, understand why past efforts at addressing these problems may have been ineffective, and then develop alternative solutions. We are goal-directed and client-centered clinicians, measuring your results throughout the therapy process.
We recognize that successful therapy requires collaborative goal setting. Your participation in setting goals allows for a more willing exploration of the thoughts, feelings, and experiences that guide both current and past choices. This engenders the type of change that is both true and sustainable. Lasting change rarely happens quickly, but is a process that often begins through your gaining perspective on past choices. Such understanding often provides insight and wisdom for future choices, resulting in positive transformations and a more fulfilling life.

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Individual Therapy With Online Counselors

Individual therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping individuals overcome personal challenges and emotional issues. In individual therapy, one of our Symmetry Counseling virtual therapy specialists works one-on-one with the patient to identify and address their specific needs and concerns; these needs can include developing coping strategies for patients struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, or other mental health issues, or other forms of personal growth and discovery. Our online counseling services are designed to help you be the person you’ve always wanted to be.

Couples & Discernment Counseling

Couples counseling, commonly known as marriage counseling, is a type of virtual therapy that focuses on improving communication and resolving conflicts within romantic relationships. It’s natural for fiances and spouses to seek our Symmetry online counseling services for help in identifying and addressing issues. If you’re experiencing conflict with communication breakdowns, infidelity, or loss of intimacy, we can help you find healthy solutions and strengthen your relationship. However, if you’re experiencing serious issues with your significant other, our specialists can provide discernment counseling to help you move forward.

Eating disorder counseling is a specialized form of therapy and virtual counseling that focuses on helping individuals who are struggling with eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, or binge-eating disorder. A Symmetry Counseling specialist can help patients who are displaying signs of eating disorders develop a healthier relationship with food and improve their overall mental and physical health. Our team can also connect patients with physiological care and nutritional counseling to help address underlying psychological roots of the eating disorder.

Family & Friendship Counseling

Family therapy from Symmetry Counseling is designed to improve communication and resolve interpersonal conflicts between different family members. Our online counselors can help family members learn more about each other's perspectives and share their feelings in an understanding environment; this therapy is all about gaining  greater respect, love, and appreciation for each other. Two common examples of family therapy include:

Similarly, friendship counseling is a specialized form of therapy that focuses on helping individuals who are struggling with communication, emotional, or other interpersonal issues in their friendships. During this type of therapy, an online counselor works with the patient to identify and address the underlying issues that may be affecting the friendship, such as jealousy, envy, or communication breakdowns. Let us help you gain valuable skills in conflict resolution and work on repairing and rebuilding camaraderie with others.

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How We Can Help

Sex therapy provided by our Symmetry Counseling specialists are tailored entirely to the comfort level of our patients. These online counseling services are designed to address and resolve issues related to sexual dysfunction in the context of relationships. Virtual therapy of this nature can provide assistance regarding difficulty orgasming, sex addiction, sexual performance concerns, sexless marriages and relationships, and other concerns — all in an effort to provide a positive result for you and your partner.

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Anger Management

Anger management therapy is a form of virtual counseling that focuses on helping individuals learn how to manage their anger in a healthy way. In these situations, the therapist works with the patient to identify triggers for their anger and develop coping strategies to help them control their emotions. The idea behind these online counseling services is to manage one’s reactions in a healthier way.

Schedule Your Appointment With Symmetry Counseling

Explore all the different types of virtual therapy Symmetry Counseling offers and let us help you live well! We provide online counseling services in Colorado, Texas, Illinois, Arizona, and Washington, D.C. Contact us and build a foundation to a happy and successful life!