Challenges of Parenthood: Single, Biological, and Step in Texas

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Challenges of Parenthood: Single, Biological, and Step in Texas

Being a parent is one of the most stressful yet rewarding jobs of one’s life. A connection between a parent and their child is arguably the strongest and most infinite one that any human can have. With this connection can come the potential for strong and fulfilling relationships, as well as anxiety and pain.

At Symmetry Counseling, we want to equip any parent in any parenting situation with the tools they need to be the best they can be for their child. Contact us today to set yourself up for success, no matter what phase of parenthood you are in. We are here to help.

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Single Parenthood

Being a single parent comes with a unique set of challenges, such as an increased need for social support, finances, and more. Over 12 million American households and close to 30% of households in Texas are led by one parent.
In most cases, the mother typically becomes the primary parent, and in Texas, mothers take automatic custody, which can put additional strain on their lives and the lives of their children.

Just like with two-parent households, every family faces roadblocks, and at Symmetry Counseling, we can help you through any obstacles that may present themselves.

Remarriage Or Blending

When a parent gets remarried or are blending their two households together, they can be faced with conflict between their kids. Kids may have a hard time respecting the new adults in their lives and may not get along with their step-siblings.

The way they were raised by their last parent may be different from how their new parent chooses to raise them, which could cause some friction in relationships.

At Symmetry Counseling, we are here to help Texas families make a smooth transition into blending two families together and creating a healthier home life for all.


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Becoming A Parent

Becoming a parent is an exciting milestone in life, and with it can come a waterfall of emotions ranging from excitement to fear of the unknown. Having this fear is very normal and can be hard to overcome for some, which is why our team at Symmetry counseling is here to help.

Some families may experience the baby blues or post-partum depression, which if left untreated can have serious consequences. If you are a new parent and not sure what to do moving forward and just need some guidance, contact Symmetry Counseling to be paired with one of our knowledgeable counselors today.

Empty Nesting

Just like when you make the transition from a two-person household to a three-person family, making the transition back can be just as bittersweet. Couples go from focusing primarily on their kids to now focusing on each other and some can often struggle.

There is some excitement from this new freedom, but it can also bring feelings of fear. At Symmetry Counseling, we see this transition as an opportunity for parents to refocus on each other and begin a new chapter in their lives. If you need help navigating this transition, reach out to us today to schedule an appointment.

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Call Symmetry Counseling

At Symmetry Counseling, we understand that parenting is not straightforward and that no matter the circumstances, there will always be obstacles you will face. We are here to help you overcome those obstacles and hopefully give you the tools you need to be a successful parent for your children. If you are a parent in Texas that is in need of some parental guidance, contact us today to set up an appointment and get started on becoming a more confident parent.