Body Image Issues Counseling
Definition of Body Image
Body image refers to an individual’s emotional attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of their own body. Body image can change over time and is influenced by a number of factors including social media, friends and family, culture, and societal expectations. A negative body image can lead to low self-esteem and other mental health issues if the proper help and guidance is not obtained.
If you or someone you know is dealing with body image issues, then the experienced counselors at Symmetry Counseling are ready to help you. Keep scrolling to learn more about body image and our professional body image counseling to see what we can do for you, and be sure to contact us to get started on your services today.

Positive vs. Negative Body Image
Most people have something about their bodies that they don’t like or would like to change. They may say their nose is “too big”, their hair is “too curly”, or cover up freckles with makeup. In most cases, these perceived imperfections do not create anxiety or affect one’s own sense of self. Those who have a positive, or healthy, body image acknowledge their perceived imperfections and accept and love their bodies regardless. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and there are many people who struggle with a negative body image. Below are a few of these characteristics.
- Preoccupied with their flaws
- Distorted perception of physical features
- Uncomfortable in their own bodies
- Feel shame or disgust in relation to their appearance
- Compare themselves to others constantly
- Low self-esteem
Please note that body image does lie on a continuum and an individual can lean more towards positive or negative and have some of these characteristics. It is important to seek help if you feel your body image has impacted your quality of life.
How Body Image Counseling Can Help
Therapy is a great place to begin to explore and challenge thoughts, feelings, and behaviors tied to the body image concerns at hand. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has proven to be an effective treatment modality to use with those struggling with body image issues. The main goal of therapy would be to tackle the preoccupation with the perceived imperfections and develop a more realistic and positive perception of the body. Below are a few goals and strategies typically associated with CBT and body image counseling.
- Challenge negative thinking and self-talk
- Make thinking and self-talk more kind and positive
- Self-monitoring (journaling)
- Improve self-awareness
- Cognitive restructuring (modify unhealthy thoughts, feelings, and behaviors)
- Combat avoidance and compulsive behaviors
- Self-care routines
- Receive and empathic, supportive, and non-judgemental environment
- Address and attend to other mental health concerns
While some of these strategies sound simple, it takes a lot of time and dedication to achieve healthy and positive body image. It takes practice and patience to change one’s mindset and automatic way of thinking. If you are currently struggling with body image issues and would like some guidance, it may be useful to connect with a therapist. To learn more about body image counseling, contact Symmetry Counseling today!

Having a negative body image can be incredibly challenging, and if left unaddressed, can lead to the development of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). BDD can be particularly challenging to manage with concerns such as preoccupation with flaws and distorted perceptions of features that lead to compulsive behaviors and avoidance of social situations due to shame and disgust. This extreme view of one's body can result in getting a nose job, for example, to fix a nose that wasn't too big in others' eyes. A healthy (or even below healthy) Body Mass Index (BMI) can also be perceived as being "fat" by someone with BDD.
It is essential to recognize that negative body image can start to impact an individual's mental health in profound ways. Studies have shown that it has been linked to anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, and eating disorders. It's vital that individuals seek professional help if experiencing any of these mental health concerns alongside body image issues. Therapy and counseling with a qualified therapist or counselor is regarded as one of the most effective treatments for individuals who are looking to address their negative body image. An online therapist can offer flexibility and convenience to those who may find it difficult to attend in-person sessions. With therapy or counseling, individuals can learn strategies to recognize negative thought patterns, reframe them into positive ones, and work towards a healthier relationship with their bodies and food.