Five Ways to Honor Your Body

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How many of you can relate to feeling dissatisfied, unhappy, or ashamed of your body? How many of you feel like a failure or not good enough because of your weight or size? Let’s spend some time today thinking about a topic that has recently been garnering a lot of attention (and not always the…

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8 Ways To Not Put Yourself Last This Holiday Season

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We all know that the holiday season can bring a combination of excitement and stress for many people. Pressures abound as we attempt to make this time of year exactly right, and oftentimes, this means putting others’ needs ahead of our own. Although there are many benefits to doing for others, it can be detrimental…

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10 Ways to Embrace Being Single During the Holidays

Being Single

Are you not looking forward to the upcoming holiday season because you are single? Unfortunately, many people who are not in a romantic relationship experience stress, sadness, depression, and loneliness during the holidays. And not for nothing. Our holiday culture certainly perpetuates the idea that the holidays are better when you are in a romantic…

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Would you give yourself a life bonus this year?

Giving end of year bonuses is a very common practice among employers, and bosses often determine employee bonus distributions based upon financial and non-financial measures.  End of year performance reviews and hoped-for bonuses are a frequent topic of conversation this time of year.  Taking a cue from business, today I want you to think about…

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10 Ways to Cope with Loss During the Holidays

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What do you do when the joy and happiness portrayed during the holiday is not necessarily reflective of what you are really feeling?  The holidays – a time of seemingly constant celebration  – may in fact be a time of deep sorrow and sadness to those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. …

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9 Ways to Prepare your Relationship for the Holidays

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Believe it or not, the holiday season is just around the corner.  While most of us look forward to this time of year, it can also be a difficult season for many of us.  For couples, in particular, it can be a time of contradictions.  On the one hand, it is a time to connect,…

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Repairing Your Relationship After an Affair

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Couples seek out therapy for many reasons, but one of the most common is to help their relationship recover from an infidelity.  In fact, some research suggests that 30% of couples seek out therapy due to the damage of an affair, and couples who have experienced an affair are more likely to break up or…

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10 Signs You Might Want To Seek Individual Therapy

Think back to a time when you had a really terrible day.  Now, imagine yourself in that day.  What was that day like for you?  How did you feel?  Most likely, you were feeling down, unmotivated, frustrated, and perhaps even sad.  Little things overwhelmed you and, really, you just wanted to go back to bed…

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9 Signs That You Might Be In An Unhealthy Relationship

We all have bad days with our partner. We fight, act badly, and say things we don’t mean. At times we lose our ability to self-soothe, think logically, and treat our loved one well. For healthy couples, however, these missteps are addressed and resolved respectfully. In a healthy relationship, partners genuinely apologize, learn from their…

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7 Things To Do When Your Partner Struggles With Anxiety

Is your partner struggling with an anxiety disorder? In a given year, anxiety disorders affect about 40 million Americans, or about 18% of the adult population, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. When you suffer from an anxiety disorder, your life is filled with a sense of fearfulness and uncertainty. Worries plague your…

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