How to cope when you hate your job

Unfortunately, whether it is due to the economy, just starting out in a field, or inability to find the right career, many people find themselves stuck in jobs they do not enjoy. It could be work you are not passionate about, a boss that holds you back, or uncaring co-workers that make the job unbearable.…

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20 ways to leave your lover: Getting over a breakup

Symmetry Oct21 A

A breakup is one of the top 10 life events that causes the most stress. Whichever way you break up, the fallout can be emotionally devastating and psychologically draining, leaving you feeling dazed and confused. Love might be blind but a breakup can leave you feeling blindsided, not knowing which way to turn. Getting over…

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5 Ways Your Relationship Gets Better After the Honeymoon Phase Ends

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There is no denying that the first few months of an intimate relationship brings with it some of the most exhilarating and passionate feelings we experience in our lives. Many people describe these moments as passionate and fiery, as though “sparks” are flying between the two new lovers. Inevitably, however, the passionate excitement of this…

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Is someone you care about depressed?

Symmetry Oct17

Have you ever felt that those closest to you don’t always understand you, or see what you are really feeling inside? Chances are they could be feeling the same. Familiarity can sometimes breed complacency and a lack of recognition when a loved one is suffering emotionally. While a close bond can create synchronicity and a…

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10 ways to manage sibling rivalry

Symmetry Oct11

One minute they are fighting like cats and dogs, the next they are the best of friends- squabbling siblings can put a crack in the happy family picture, turning parents into referees and family time into competitive chaos and causing divisive disputes. So, what to do? While sibling rivalry is all part of the natural…

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Men in therapy: A practical approach

Symmetry Oct07

Can you imagine your grandfather sitting down for some cathartic counseling? What about your dad talking about what’s troubling him? We are living in a world where men have been conditioned over generations to believe that a real man copes with his problems alone in a practical way; either that or he buries them deep…

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Give You Relationship a Refresher

As the new school year begins, students prepare themselves for the work and learning ahead of them. The start of the academic year holds the promise of making new friends, delving deeper into a variety of concepts, and applying what they already know to new material. Oftentimes, before the new learning can begin, students need…

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7 telltale signs you are not coping

Symmetry Sep22 A PH

What do you do when you cut your finger? You instinctively reach for the first aid box and apply a little antiseptic cream to stop the injury from getting infected and perhaps stick on a band aid to offer protection until you heal. But what happens when you are in pain on an emotional level?…

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10 back-to-school stress busters

Symmetry Sep17 A PH

Do you remember the nervous excitement of going back to school after the long summer break? Sharpening your pencils the night before with your uniform ready for the big day ahead, butterflies in your stomach? The new school year is a momentous occasion in a child’s life, and can be a stressful time too. As…

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Stop your relationship from going stale

symmetry Sep12 A

You know those old pair of slacks you like to slip into when you can’t be bothered to make an effort? As comfortable as they may feel, over time they become worn and tattered and you may not even realize. The same can happen with loved ones too; while the deep feeling of enduring companionship…

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