The Pedestals We Put Them On


Like women suffer as a result of society’s Madonna-whore complex, I believe that men also experience a contradictory prejudice—something of a “hero-wimp” complex. Men are expected to be strong, infallible, and stoic. When we think of a good dad, we imagine him playing sports, fixing the plumbing and chasing our ex-boyfriends with a shotgun. But…

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Being with Your Partner: How Mindfulness Improves Relationships

Mindfulness is to psychology as CrossFit is to exercise. It is a current popular trend that leads to positive results, and you have probably heard or read about it before. Practicing mindfulness techniques allows you to be a better, more regulated, calmer, and focused individual. Mindfulness can also significantly improve your relationships. Here is a…

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Facing Down Insecurities


People all have their insecurities, even (or especially) those who appear the most confident. Suffering from the burden of insecurity can silence you when you want to be heard, engender painful feelings of shame, ignite anger and jealousy, and cause doubts and overthinking. Your goal should not be to get rid of insecurities, because that…

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Thriving in the Transition to Adulthood

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For most, the late teen years and twenties are a time of incredible change. Typically, you finish your schooling, look for and begin a job, move out of your family home, and maybe even relocate to a new town or city. While this may all seem exciting and full of opportunity, it also can carry…

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Apologies: When and How to Make Them

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The art of a good apology is difficult to perfect, and is not a widely known or practiced craft. Apologies are very vulnerable- it requires that you humble yourself to another person. It may be embarrassing to own up to your wrongs, causing you to want to talk about it as little as possible and…

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3 Questions to Ask Yourself After a Break-up

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The end of a romantic relationship can be like riding a roller coaster of emotions. Depending on the circumstances, you may be feeling relieved, heart-broken, resentful, or shocked. It may seem like the road ahead is unclear for you, and it can be difficult to know how to “get past” this difficult time in your…

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Ten Tips for Talking to Your Teen

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It may seem like kids these days speak a whole different language. They have been raised in the 2000’s- the era of Facebook, texting, and Instagram. However, just like teens have always been for centuries, the last people they seem to want to talk to are their parents. This can make it doubly hard to…

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