Guidelines for a Good Apology


Offering a good apology to someone may seem easy, but doing it right requires attention and care. Simply saying, “I’m sorry” does not necessarily absolve you from your mistake; truly conveying remorse involves much more. No matter the circumstances, we each need to take personal responsibility for our own actions, regardless of how the past…

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3 Tips for Dating if You Are Socially Anxious

Many people say that dating is difficult and unpleasant. Rarely do you hear someone express unbridled excitement about going on yet another date, and that is because for a lot of people, dating is hard work! It requires one to be vulnerable yet energetic and engaging yet quiet enough to listen to your date. Even…

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What to Do When You Feel Undesired By Your Partner

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Sexual desire naturally fluctuates, but many partners and couples struggle to accept the inevitable fall in sexual frequency and desire following the initial romantic love stage of a relationship. Sexual desire often comes willingly and easily in the early stages of a relationship, and many couples are left unprepared to initiate more active efforts to…

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Marriage Saver: Talking About Resentment

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“As challenging as it can feel, it is the responsibility of the approached partner to be willing to listen to the hurt partner’s request.” All relationships encounter points where one or both partners become irritated with the other. Ideally, many of these irritations are accepted as just part of the marriage deal. Just because your…

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Five Tips to Manage the Transition to Parenthood


It is well documented that the transition to parenthood correlates with a precipitous drop in relationship satisfaction for new parents. This dip in perceived satisfaction largely persists until the children launch and leave home. While this trend is well supported by research, plenty of couples choose to undergo the transition to parenthood and many lack…

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3 Tips for a Positive Ending to Your Therapy

Just as there are many forms of therapy, there are as many reasons for why you may want to end treatment with your therapist. No matter your reason for terminating (the word therapists use to describe the end of a course of treatment) therapy, this is one context where you can control how you experience…

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How Getting in Tune with Yourself Can Prevent Emotional Eating


Whether it is recognized or not, everyone has been a victim of emotional eating at one time or another. You’re feeling stressed answering a million messages at work and reach for the candy jar and start mindlessly munching. Perhaps you had a hard week and on Friday night you get home, order a pizza and…

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3 Things Extroverts Can Learn from Introverts

In a world of constant interpersonal contact and a fast flow of ever changing information, those who desire a degree of solitude and quiet are sometimes judged harshly. Extroverts, or people who get energized by social situations and new activities, can tend to thrive in this dynamic culture. On the other hand, introverts, or those…

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