Money Scripts


We all have certain views, opinions, and beliefs about money that influence our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions around spending, saving, debt, worth, and our relationship with money. During our lives we have come to form these beliefs based on what we were taught within our families growing up, often passed down from generation to generation,…

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Finding Comfort with the Grey Zone

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Black or white. All or nothing. Right or wrong. Left or right. Yes or no. Republican or Democrat. Rich or poor. City or country. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The world is full of dichotomies, situations, and labels in which there appear to be only two options available, where we feel we…

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Money Talk, It’s Time to End the Taboo

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Let’s be honest, we need money to live. Even the basic functions of living: air, water, and food, require some amount of money and spending to be able to obtain them and maintain our lives. Add in the need for clothing and shelter and there is no way one can argue that money isn’t a key component of and a necessity of life. We may not want to acknowledge it or give money such “power,” but it is a basic fact of life. Despite the inherent necessity of money in our lives, we treat it like a dirty little secret, a horrible habit, or a disgusting disease that we refuse to acknowledge or talk about. Why is money considered such a taboo topic to talk about overall, and even with people close to us or in confidential settings?

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Live in the NOW

Do you ever get to where you are going and realize you don’t remember walking or driving there? Do you have conversations with other people but can’t remember what was said afterwards? Do you eat meals but don’t really pay attention to what you are eating or how it tastes? Does the end of the…

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Me vs. Us: Balancing the Need for Self-Care in a Relationship


Couple therapists talk a lot about the importance of creating quality time for your relationship. What often gets less attention is the equally high value of establishing time for yourself. There is great variability in the balance of independence within romantic relationships. Partners will not always share the same preferred dose of dependency, and it…

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Seven Potentially Deadly Symptoms in Intimate Relationships


People are creatures of habit. An ability to go on autopilot helps us conserve energy and stay alert to the unfamiliar. In relationships, it is our responsibility to remain attentive and proactive in nurturing our partner’s needs and addressing any problematic habits that may form slowly over time. Here is an overview of potentially problematic…

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Don’t Underestimate the Power of the Therapeutic Alliance


“How do I find a therapist?” “What makes him/her good?” “What should I research about them?” “What’s the most important thing to know about finding a therapist?” “How will I know if this therapist can help me or not?” As a mental health therapist, I am often asked questions like these from friends, family, colleagues,…

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Don’t Say Yes When You Want to Say No


We all have times in our lives, sometimes more than we want, when we are asked to do something, give something, or help with something that we don’t want to but yet we say yes anyway. There are somethings we do or agree to because it will help someone, make them happy, or it is…

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The Ugly Truth of Being in a Wedding


Wedding season is upon us once again. Many view weddings as a time to celebrate, honor one’s love and commitment to their partner, bring family and friends together, and be a happy time for all involved. But there is a dark side to weddings that is often not talked about or is ignored, and that…

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