Yes, You Need to Talk About Money in Your Relationship
Do you know how much your significant other makes? What about the amount of debt that he or she has? Have you two talked about spending and budgeting? Do you have a plan for how large financial decisions will be made or how expenses and bills will be paid? Is there a set amount you…
Read MoreTherapy, It Can Be a Preventative Measure as Well
Take your vitamins. Brush and floss your teeth. Exercise regularly. Eat less red meat and processed foods. Decrease your intake of sodium and sugar. Drink more water. Get enough sleep. Sit less. Have regular check-ups with your doctor and dentist. Most of us do some of these habits regularly in the hope of preventing something…
Read MoreTwo No More: Staying Together After the Transition to Parenthood
When couples transition to parenthood, there is an understandable expectation that life will be different. We will be more tired. We will have less time for each other. Our priorities need to change. All of these are natural thoughts partners might experience, but no expectation can perfectly match the reality of this significant transition. Being flexible and open to each other is paramount to managing the relationship safely into parenthood.
Read MoreThe Skill You Need Now: Gratitude
Gratitude, per the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is defined as “a feeling of appreciation or thanks; the state of being grateful.” Reading that definition, gratitude would appear as if it were something very simple to do or easy to feel, like it should just happen naturally with no effort involved whatsoever. But as many of us probably…
Read MoreFinancial Denial and Avoidance
Do you avoid looking at your bills or bank statements? Do you know how much you currently have in your accounts or how much you owe? Does thinking about your financial situation cause you anxiety, distress, or guilt? Do you avoid discussing or thinking about your financial situation at any cost to avoid feeling negatively…
Read MoreAny Progress is Still Progress
Making changings in ourselves and our lives involves a lot of determination, motivation, time, and effort. It can be easy to get discouraged, lose motivation, or want to give up along the way, especially when we feel as though we are not making progress and will never reach our goal. In order to stay on…
Read MoreFighting Together: Appreciating the Value in Relationship Conflict
We often receive the message that fighting is bad. It feels unpleasant, it can hurt others’n feelings, and it often turns us into angry, hurtful people we do not even recognize. It is true that conflict can be harmful, but it also serves a pivotal role in healthy relationship functioning. Without conflict, partners would either…
Read MoreWhat Does Money Mean to You?
Think about money. What is the first word or words that come to mind? Does your word or words include power, success, protection, security, independence, love, or freedom? Or maybe oppression, control, manipulation, anxiety, stress, or avoidance? Many of us have a pretty strong reaction to money and the meaning it holds for us. It…
Read MoreFinding Balance in Work and Life
In a world of smartphones and tablets, texting, unlimited access to email and internet, constant contact, and high expectations for immediate or quick responses and turnaround times, how are we supposed to have balance between our personal and professional lives? In much of my work with clients I often hear a significant amount about work…
Read MoreAcceptance
There are certain habits, situations, characteristics, thoughts, beliefs, opinions, etc. within ourselves and our lives that we have control over and are able to improve, change, or stop. But there is also a significant amount, especially when other people are involved, that we do not have control over or are unable to change or stop.…
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