Breaking Unhealthy Dating Patterns
Dating can be rough. Whether you are fresh out of a new relationship or if you have been on the dating circuit for a while, dating can be overwhelming, empowering, exciting, and stressful. I will often work with clients who are in individual therapy and hear some of their hilarious and horrific dating stories.
Read MoreWait, What About Me?
We often receive mixed messages about love from society, media, and peers. We will often hear sayings such as, “You complete me” or “My partner is my other half” when discussing relationship and love. While these sayings are romantic and sweet, what kind of messages are they sending to singles and people looking for love?…
Read MoreThe Benefits of Forgiveness
It is safe to say that we have all been hurt or angry at someone important to us before, whether it is a partner, a friend, a parent, or someone else who holds value in our lives. Often times when we feel hurt, we hold on to a lot of anger, resentment, hurt, and frustration.…
Read MoreTo Do Lists and Goals
To do lists and goal setting: when created and done correctly, both can help to keep us on track, stay motivated, feel a sense of productivity and accomplishment, and help us to get to where we want to be in life, relationships, and our careers. When to do lists and goals are created and done…
Read MoreDiscernment Counseling
Studies have shown that around 30% of couples who are attending couples therapy are what therapists call “mixed agenda couples”, or a couple who is unsure whether or not they want to stay together. One partner may be interested in fixing or maintaining the relationship while the other partner may be ready to leave the…
Read MoreHonesty, it is ALWAYS the Best Policy with Finances
“No your butt doesn’t look big in those pants.” “Your jokes are really funny.” “That dinner was so delicious.” “Of course you could take him in a fight, I would put my money on you.” “These clothes are old; I have had them for months.” “I have no idea where the two hundred dollars went.”…
Read MoreNeeds Versus Wants
Want: to have a desire to possess something or wish for; to lack or be short of something desirable. Need: to require something because it is essential; expressing necessity. These two words are very different to the extent in which something is viewed as necessary or optional. However, in my work as a Certified Financial…
Read MoreManaging Different Communication Styles in Relationships
We all process information differently. Some of us need to talk it out as soon as issues arise, while some of us need a couple of hours or even a couple of days to gather our thoughts before discussing it. A common communication dynamic that I see as a couples therapist are two individuals who…
Read MoreAll We Have is Now
What were you thinking about just now? I would bet that it didn’t have anything to do with what is going on with you right at this moment. I would also bet that it was probably about what you have to do or get done for the day, planning or figuring out something for the…
Read MoreLoving in the Technological Age: Do’s and Don’ts of Happy Relationships
Technology itself is a bystander to our lives. We choose how we want to interact with it and whether it serves as a benefit or a danger to our relationships. Here are a handful of tips for promoting healthy technological behavior in your relationship. DO video chat when long-distance. Being able to see and hear…
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