Posts by Admin User
Is My Relationship Reciprocal, or Am I Keeping Score?
Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified Is Your Relationship Reciprocal? All healthy relationships include reciprocity. What’s reciprocity? It’s a mutual exchange between two or more people or groups of people who are in some type of relationships, such as romantic partners, family members, friends, community members, and work colleagues. This blog will focus on romantic…
Read MoreIs It Bad to Be Too Nice?
By: Danielle Bertini, LPC “Nice guys finish last.” You’ve probably heard that expression before, but have you ever given thought to what that really means? Why would nice people be less likely to win? It would seem that a nice person would actually have an advantage over nasty people in the social hierarchy. They’re more…
Read MoreWhat Is Infidelity And How Does Recovery Start?
Andrew D. Castillo, LCSW, MSW Trust and a sense of safety are the foundations of a healthy, long-lasting relationship. When those foundations are undermined, the impacts can be devastating. Betrayed partners are often left with a multitude of questions; Why did this happen? What does this mean for the future? How do I recover from…
Read MoreInfidelity: How Do I Forgive My Partner?
By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC As a couples and marital counselor, infidelity is one of the common trends that comes up often. Clients often ask me if it’s possible to overcome infidelity within a relationship and the short answer is yes. However, there needs to be a desire to overcome it on both ends…
Read MoreI’m Not Good Enough: What Led Me Here?
By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC The narrative of “I’m not good enough” has become far too common across America. It can “plague” people of all kinds of different cultures, incomes, education levels, and income levels. This one, though, is the “mother thought of despair.” It can drag you down and overwhelm you with anxiety…
Read MoreHow Does Freezing My Eggs Affect My Mental Health?
Megan Mulroy, LPC Making the choice to freeze your eggs can be an empowering and life-changing decision for many folks assigned female at birth. Many AFAB people know they want children one day but aren’t ready for that commitment. On the other hand, many AFAB people are undecided if they want to be a parent,…
Read MoreHow Can You Use DBT Skills To Get What You Want? Pt. 3
By: Zana Van Der Smissen Hello, and welcome back to how you can use DBT skills to get what you want, part three! If you haven’t read the first two blogs of this series, feel free to go back and read those first, where I discuss interpersonal skills as a DBT module, how DEAR MAN…
Read MoreHow Can You Use DBT Skills To Get What You Want? Pt. 2
By: Zana Van Der Smissen Hello, and welcome back to how you can use DBT skills to get what you want, part two! If you haven’t read my first blog in this series, feel free to go back. I talk all about interpersonal skills as a DBT module and how DEAR MAN can be effective…
Read MoreHow Can You Use DBT Skills To Get What You Want? Pt. 1
By: Zana Van Der Smissen Interpersonal skills are something that every person needs in order to communicate effectively in their relationships and, therefore, is also something that can be improved upon. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy or DBT has a set of modules that allows the individual to work on reacting to their environment, regulating their emotions,…
Read MoreWhat to Know About Altering Your Relationship With Alcohol
By: Danielle Bertini, LCPC As I’m reflecting on it being March in 2022, I have realized that it has now been a full two years since the COVID-19 pandemic began. It’s no secret that the pandemic has taken a toll on the mental health of many across the world, which therefore has increased the use…
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