Should I Give My Partner an Ultimatum?

Plascilla Foster, LPC, NCC  A Netflix series entitled “Ultimatum: Marry or Move On,” follows six couples. In each relationship, one partner wants to get married, and the other partner is unsure. Reasons that one partner may choose to give an ultimatum are fear that their time is being wasted, wanting validation that they are important…

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Why Is Co-Regulation So Important?

Zoe Mittman Licensed Social Worker  “Just calm down.” “It’s not a big deal, just forget about it.” “It shouldn’t be having this much of an impact on you.” Have you heard these statements before? Has anybody ever said these to you when you were feeling upset? It may be that these statements made you feel…

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Signs You May Be A People Pleaser And How To Fix It

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, MA, NCC, LPC  Do you find that you say “yes” when you want to say “no”? Do you often play Devil’s Advocate? Do you tend to go with the flow, not offering your own opinion? Do you often get referred to as “generous”, “kind,” or “helpful”? You may be a people pleaser. When we…

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Why Regulating The Nervous System Is Important

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, MA, NCC, LPC Many of us have heard about regulating our emotions but not as many may know about regulating our nervous system. Yes, we can in fact intentionally relax our nervous system and help our bodies to get out of the fight, flight, freeze state. Our nervous system is responsible for respiration, heart…

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How to Regulate The Nervous System and Relax The Body

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, MA, NCC, LPC Did you know that chronic stress can have a negative impact on both your mental and physical health? In order for the body to thrive, it needs to be able to deal with stress in healthy and adaptive ways that ultimately allow the body to recover. You may be asking…

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How Our Inner Monologue Can Inform Our Reality

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, MA, NCC, LPC  The average person has up to 60,000 thoughts per day. Most of our decisions are based on this inner dialogue, and yet, for many of us, this inner dialogue is not pleasant, encouraging, or reassuring. While self-talk and even introspection are important, as it allows us to become aware of…

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High Functioning Anxiety: What Is It and How Can I Navigate It?

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, MA, NCC, LPC When you are the first to arrive at work and the last to leave, have never missed a deadline or a meeting, and are always prepared, most people will find it difficult to believe you could actually have an anxiety disorder. Some types of anxiety may not present themselves in…

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How Can Music Therapy Improve Your Mental Health?

Steven Losardo, LMFT Music Therapy and Its Intersections With Wellness When you hear the words ‘music therapy’ what comes to mind? You may have tons of questions, such as, “does music therapy actually work?” or “what exactly IS music therapy?” One thing is for certain: music touches the soul in ways words simply can’t.   This…

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Is EMDR a Short-Term Therapy?

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a type of therapy that uses bilateral stimulation (such as eye movements, pulsars, and sounds) to process distressing memories and reprocess negative core beliefs. EMDR has been shown to treat many different psychological and physical conditions, such as trauma, complicated grief, substance…

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