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Steven Topper LCPC


What Do We Do When We Are Wronged? How Anger Can Ignite Us

December 31, 2020

Steven Topper LCPC In a world more and more derided and vitriolic, it can be important to reflect on and assess how this impacts us interpersonally. For many of us, the combination of pandemic changes and social disorder has led to increased anger and frustration, often without somewhere to direct this anger. For so many people, anger hasn’t been an issue until recently, when so many aspects of our lives have been taken from our control. Yet…

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How Do We Use Pity Against Ourselves?

November 24, 2020
How Do We Use Pity Against Ourselves 5f80c6dbc87f4

Steven Topper LCPC When we’re young, we learn how to gain attention. It is the currency of childhood. Vying for the affection and care of our parents, our peers, our teachers, is not only normal, but it’s also necessary. Through this, we learn connection, communication, and compassion. And often this doesn’t stop after high school. We may often see loved ones working really hard to gain the attention of the people in their world, to mixed results.…

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